Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Noah’s Ark

Opening Song: Follow a Prophet CS 110

Opening Prayer:

Scriptures: Genesis 6-8; Leviticus 11

Lesson: “Noah and the Ark,” Tambuli, Liahona Sep 1984, 4

Man was wicked and evil on earth so God commanded Noah to build and ark. The ark was to be made of gopher wood. The ark’s length was supposed to be 300 cubits (563 feet), the breadth of it was 50 cubits (94 feet), and the height of it was 30 cubits (56 feet) with the door on the side of the ark. The ark was to have three stories and several rooms.

God told Noah that he was going to bring a flood to the land, “Behold, I will destroy all flesh from off the earth” and that Noah was to load his wife, his sons and his son’s wives onto the ark. Noah was commanded to load two of every unclean (female and male) animal onto the ark and seven clean animal onto the ark.

God told Noah that he was going to flood the earth and so it rained for 40 days and 40 nights covering the land and lofting the ark off the ground. The earth stayed flooded like this for 150 days. At the end of the 40 days Noah opened the window he built into the ark and sent forth a raven that flew to and fro until the waters were dried up on the earth. Noah also sent forth a dove.

The dove flew out and came back not having found any dry earth. Noah waited 7 days and then sent the dove out again; this time the dove came back with a olive tree limb. Noah waited another 7 days and then sent the dove out again; this time the dove did not return at all. Noah opened the cover of the ark and saw ground.

God spoke to Noah and commanded him to go forth with his wife, his sons and his sons’ wives and all the animals from the ark and, “be fruitful and multiply upon the earth.”

“In gratitude, Noah built an altar unto the Lord. He knew he had been truly blessed. To show his gratitude, Noah sacrificed one of each of the clean animals and birds as an offering to the Lord. In this sacred way Noah thanked the Lord for saving him and his family and for preserving life on the earth. In prayer Noah asked the Lord never to destroy the earth again with flood. Noah’s prayer was answered; the Lord promised Noah that He would never again destroy the entire earth by flood. From that time forth the rainbow would be a symbol of that promise.” was traveling in a wagon train with his family. One morning when they awoke in the morning to hook up their wagon, their oxen were missing. They searched all over. Soon the wagon train could not wait and had to leave without them. They continued searching everywhere and could not find them.


Noah’s Ark Coloring Pages

Noah says: You have all been invited to come on the Ark, but there are only certain things that you can take with you. Take turns around in a circle and call out what you would like to bring . Pam may want to bring some pancakes; that would be great to eat Joey may think that's a great idea and want to bring some syrup with it but he can't. But he can bring some jam; whereas Susan can bring some syrup. The goal of the game is to bring items only that start with the first letter in your name. The players will not get it at first and you may need to do a few rounds. (make sure players only bring one item at a time as they go around the circle). Players who figure it out should be told not to say anything. - Palmquist Family

Put various animal by-products in a brown bag before sitting down to have the lesson. You could put leather in from a cow, yarn from a goat or sheep or llama or any other object that we have because of animals. Then right after the lesson pull out the objects and have your family try and guess what animal they came from and then tell how much of a difference it is for us that that animal has given for us.

Closing Song: We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet Hymns 19

Closing Prayer:


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