As a quick recap, last month we talked about making our list for our 3 Month Supply. If you haven’t done it yet you need to pull together that list and start now. (When I have a chance I’ll put more information about this on the blog.)
This month’s article and homework is going to be in addition to last month’s and more.
Here is a small sampling of out list:
Chicken Pesto Pasta Spaghetti Meatloaf Fiesta Chicken Bake Sloppy Joes Tacos Fajita Skillet Bake Pancakes Waffles Chili & Cornbread Pizza Enchiladas Pork chops, potatoes & carrots Rice & Chicken Many More…….
To make my list I downloaded a great spreadsheet from the girls at Food Storage Made Easy. With this spreadsheet all you have to do is put your meals in at the top and the ingredients in on the left. Then in the middle of the spreadsheet you put in how much you use for that one ingredient. I did this and shared my list with those that came to the food storage class. Like I said in last month’s newsletter once you have you list you will know much to buy.
Homework for April: Look at your list and look at your store sale fliers then buy what’s on sale that goes with what you need.
Our family bought 100 soft taco tortillas for $10. When I got them home I piled them into the freezer where they will stay until we need them. I also got us granola bars, pasta sauce, cereal and much more. And yes as usual I used my coupons to do this. You don’t have to use coupons but it sure makes buying your stock pile or 3 month supply more affordable by using your coupons. If you want help, advice and pointers on using coupons let me know ( I am not an expert but I am constantly getting better at. And as with anything else if you have questions about your food storage let me know; if I don’t know the answer I’ll research it for you or point in the right direction for your self.
I would love to start a food storage cookbook so we can share our ideas together. Please send your ideas on this.
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